Heart to Soul Healings: Clairvoyant spiritual healing & coaching

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The 12 Laws of the Universe Explained

+ Cheat sheet

Hey Love,

Most people have heard of the law of attraction by now, but did you know there are 11 other universal laws that govern this universe? Understanding these laws can change your reality. Just like the law of gravity, these laws exist whether we know them or not.

[TLDR is at the bottom of the page + a cheat sheet to screenshot or download.]

What are the 12 universal laws?

The 12 universal laws are innate laws of our universe. These laws have been recognized since ancient times, including ancient Egypt, and in many cultures.

1. Law of Divine Oneness

In short, everything is connected. This law states the interconnectedness of everything and everyone. Every thought, action, event, etc is connected. To put this into perspective, everything is made up of the same thing, atoms. Atoms are 99.99% energy and research in quantum physics is showing that energy responds to intention and transcends time and space.

2. Law of Vibration

In short, everything has a unique vibration. Under the microscopic, those atoms mentioned above, are in constant motion. They never stop vibrating. Everything has its own unique vibration at a specific frequency. Matter, our thoughts, heartbeats, all have measurable frequencies.

3. Law of Correspondence

In short, our external state reflects our internal state. You have have heard the wise old quote, "As above, so below. As within, so without." The law of correspondence shows us the thoughts, feelings, patterns we hold within reflected in our external world/experience. Our interactions with people are mirrors reflecting back to us what is going on inside. Collectively, our world is reflecting mass consciousness.

4. Law of Attraction

In short, like attracts like. You get what you focus on, consciously or unconsciously. The Universe does not understand “No”, so what you pay attention to wanted, or not will come into your experience based on the feelings/thought vibrations you hold on the subject.

5. Law of Inspired Action

In short, alignment = inspiration to act. When you are in alignment with who you are, inspiration will flow to you. Inspired action is the Universe whispering the action steps for you to take, to manifest your dreams.

6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

In short, energy is constantly evolving and changing. Everything (including you) is made up of energy. This energy flows to us, around us, through us. The energy of our thoughts, ideas, & emotions, can transmute into an energy in the physical world. There is constant movement, birth, growth, transformation. Even when things may appear to be still, there is an ever present energy in motion, expanding.

7. Law of Cause and Effect

In short, every cause/action has an effect. An action may be physical or mental (thoughts), but all actions (energy) move through the universe to create effects. These effects may be instant or seem to take longer, but there will be effects caused by every action.

8. Law of Compensation

In short, you reap what you sow. Your efforts will come back to you. If you are thinking/behaving in a certain way, that will come back to you. If you give, you will get. If you plant seeds of positivity into your subconscious mind, your life will reflect this. If you plant seeds of fear or doubt, your life will reflect this. This law is connected to the law of attraction.

9. Law of Relativity

In short, everything is relative, everything is neutral. Labeling anything or anyone as “good” or “bad” is based on a limited perspective. The universe does not judge or label. Beliefs are human and personal based on life experience. Holding beliefs about someone or something being “bad” can close off our hearts and hold us in a place to receive judgment.

10. Law of Polarity

In short, everything has an opposite. This is a universe of duality. Opposites create balance of the whole. Think of this as a battery (the whole) made up of positive and negative charges. From the human perspective, opposites that we consider negative allow us to appreciate and enjoy the positive.

11. Law of Rhythm

In short, the universe has natural cycles. The seasons of the Earth are cycles of nature. There is a rhythm to life and cycles of growth and expansion happen to each of us. The times of frustration and discontentment are our winters, where we plant seeds of hope and desire. These need time to germinate underground to bloom in the spring time.

12. Law of Gender

In short, there are masculine and feminine energies in everyone. Both energies are important for everyone to connect with and balance. (Unrelated to gender) Some examples of feminine energy: intuition, emotions, softness. Some examples of masculine energy: logic, objectivity, strength. When the masculine and feminine energies are balanced within an individual, society, etc. there will be harmony.

Blessings to you!



There are 12 laws of the universe..

1. Law of Divine oneness (everything is connected)

2. Law of vibration (everything has a unique vibration)

3. Law of correspondence (external state reflects internal state)

4. Law of attraction (like attracts like)

5. Law of inspired action (alignment = inspiration to act)

6. Law of perpetual transmutation of energy (energy is constantly evolving & changing)

7. Law of cause and effect (every cause/action has an effect)

8. Law of compensation (reap what you sow)

9. Law of relativity (everything is relative)

10. Law of polarity (everything has an opposite)

11. Law of rhythm (cycles are a part of life)

12. Law of Gender (divine masculine and feminine balance)