Heart to Soul Healings: Clairvoyant spiritual healing & coaching

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8 Things You Need to Know About Reiki

Advice from a Reiki Master

Hey Love,

Have you heard that you are your own healer? Well if not, now you have and Reiki is perfect proof of this. Often we project our healing onto things, experiences, and people outside of ourselves. In reality, you are healing you. Everything and everyone is a reflection. So when you decide to have a Reiki healing session, the Reiki healer is the vessel. This energy healer is receiving divine (universal, life force, or whatever word you wish to use) energy and transmitting it to you. You are the one who will have to be open to receiving the level of healing that is right for you at the time. Don’t worry, your openness to booking the appointment and showing up, mean you are already ready, even if you are skeptical.

What is Reiki? Reiki is an alternative healing technique where the Reiki practitioner channels healing energy, that heals on multiple levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. It is non-invasive, calming and gentle, with minimal contact. Rei is Japanese for “universal life” and Ki meaning “energy”.

Reiki therapy (or any energy work), healing sessions vary by leaps and bounds. In 2008, when I was attuned to Reiki level one, I was so excited. I thought it would change my life and it turned out to be a big disappointment for me. This disappointment was the start of my spiritual journey and in retrospect, it did change my life! My lack of satisfaction ignited a spark of curiosity that led me on an adventure. Reiki was subtle initially for me and I kept thinking it was in my head. I kept second guessing myself. This is very common for newbies in Reiki, as well as anyone new to experiencing energy healing sessions. It wasn’t until I had a client, a yoga instructor, ask me after her massage if I was a Reiki practitioner that I realized it wasn’t “in my head”. I responded that I was attuned, but never used it. She told me she felt it flowing through my hands her whole treatment. She could feel the energy and the heat and insisted the healing energy was flowing, even if I was not conscious of it.

This experience led me back to the books. I went to the library and over the next few months took out all the Reiki and energy work books I could get my hands on. They were all boring to me, until I read Reiki Shamanism: A Guide to Out-of-Body Healing by Jim PathFinder Ewing. This book led me to my first out of body experience and to a beautiful soul, Denise, who is my shaman. It all unfolded perfectly and Denise, who is a Reiki master as well, attuned me to all the additional Reiki levels. Intertwining Shamanism with Reiki spoke to my soul. The disappointment of Reiki 1 turned out to be such a blessing, as it led me to find the spiritual teacher I had been searching for.

As time went by, I became more and more confident in my channeling abilities. The more you practice anything in life, the easier it becomes. So if you have never experienced energy work or you are curious about Reiki energy work or even if you are already a master, here are some things I like to tell my clients.

Reiki can be subtle or dramatic. It all depends on you. Every session I do is different. They usually vary based on how open the person is and this is not always conscious. If someone is more skeptical or guarded, I may receive minimal information. For these clients, they are still receiving the benefits of Reiki (it isn’t about believing or not. Energy is energy). I balance the charkas and at the very least they had a relaxing hour. Some people come to me and it’s a profound experience, maybe on my end, maybe theirs, often both. I once had a powerful experience with an enlightened being and once with the spirit of Mother Earth, both just as exciting for me as for my clients. I relay what I experience, so I believe that I am given information that my client is open to accepting and understanding. It always seems to work out that way for me.

  1. Wear comfortable clothing. If you get cold easily, you may want to layer up.

  2. Reiki can be Tiring or energizing. This too depends on the individual and even the healing that takes place. Often I find after receiving a session I go to bed early and sleep deeply. I have had clients become energized after the experience though.

  3. Reiki has no religious affiliations.

  4. During your session you may feel the energy as tingling, heat, coolness, throbbing, lightness, or heavyness. These are common feelings, but yours may vary. I had one client experience a past life in her session and two others described feeling like they were in cement, both of which said they were about to tell me to stop when it lifted and the feeling was very freeing. Reiki is noninvasive. If any discomfort arrises, it will release. You will only experience what you are ready to.

  5. It is safe for everyone.

  6. After your session, drink plenty of water, connect with nature, and my favorite post-Reiki suggestion - have some chocolate (it’s grounding).

  7. Come back for another session when you feel called to. There are no rules for spiritual healing. From my personal experience, sometimes I need some healing and my body and mind let me know. If I ignore that, it will nag me. You will know when you want/need another session. Trust yourself.

  8. Distant Reiki healing sessions use an advanced Reiki symbol that allows the channeled energy to be sent across time and space. Much like our cellphone signals, frequencies can travel anywhere they are directed. Energy travels not only though space, but also time. It can be sent to the past or future, here in the present, as well as to anyone/thing in the universe.

So that’s some of my story and some of my acquired knowledge over this lifetime (and some others I’m sure). I hope I have inspired you to learn more, give it a try, or maybe even become a practitioner yourself! You didn’t read this whole post by accident after all. You were guided here and you never know what the future holds!

Blessings to you!
