Heart to Soul Healings: Clairvoyant spiritual healing & coaching

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Beginners’ Guide to Chakras

Hey Love,

Have you ever wondered what the chakras are and what they really do? I am going to break it down simply just for you.

Chakras are energy centers in the body that life force energy flows through.. there are seven main chakras. when people refer to these energy centers, they are usually speaking about these seven, even though there are many more. These seven chakras run up from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra has its own specific characteristics and qualities. These energy centers can reveal information about your energetic,, physical, and emotional well-being.

When chakras are balanced, open, and flowing freely, you will experience a sense of harmony, vitality, and connection. When chakras are not balanced, these imbalances can manifest in physical and/or emotional symptoms. Through various healing modalities, you can bring any misaligned chakras back in to balance. Some examples are meditation, Reiki or energy work, yoga, visualization, & others. For more on how to balance your chakras check out this love letter here.

So let’s get into it! Here are the basics for each chakra.

Chakras 101

1. Root Chakra:

  • Color: Red

  • Location: base of the spine - pelvic floor area

  • Responsible for: foundation, grounding, survival

  • Element: Earth

  • Crystals: black tourmaline, garnet, ruby, obsidian

  • Deals with: fear

  • Physical: bones, blood, large intestine, kidneys

  • Emotion: self preservation, survival

2. SACRAL Chakra:

  • Color: Orange

  • Location: pelvic area

  • Responsible for: creativity, passion, sexual energy

  • Element: water

  • Crystals: amber, topaz, carnelian, citrine, jasper

  • Deals with: guilt

  • Physical: reproductive organs, bladder, kidneys

  • Emotion: connection

3. Solar plexus chakra (navel charka):

  • Color: yellow

  • Location: belly button

  • Responsible for: sense of self, purpose, self-worth

  • Element: fire

  • Crystals: yellow tourmaline, citrine, tiger’s eye

  • Deals with: shame

  • Physical: liver, gall bladder, digestion

  • Emotion: desier, will, power

4. Heart chakra:

  • Color: green (can also be pink)

  • Location: center of chest

  • Responsible for: love of any kind (love of others, self, life, etc)

  • Element: air

  • Crystals: pink quartz, clear quartz, jade, green calcite

  • Deals with: grief

  • Physical: heart, lungs, circulation, upper extremities

  • Emotion: love, forgiveness

5. Throat chakra:

  • Color: blue

  • Location: Adam’s apple area

  • Responsible for: communication, expression, truth

  • Element: ether

  • Crystals: turquoise, kyanite, aquamarine

  • Deals with: lies

  • Physical: throat, neck, mouth, ears

  • Emotion: communication

6. Third eye chakra:

  • Color: indigo

  • Location: center between eyebrows

  • Responsible for: vision (physical, psychic, and perspective)

  • Element: ether

  • Crystals: celestine, labradorite, lapis lazuli

  • Deals with: illusion, confusion

  • Physical: eyes, eyebrows

  • Emotion: intuition, imagination

7. Crown Chakra:

  • Color: violet (or white)

  • Location: top of the head

  • Responsible for: wisdom, tiger consciousness

  • Element: ether

  • Crystals: clear quartz, amethyst, moonstone

  • Deals with: attachment

  • Physical: central nervous system

  • Emotion: awareness, connection to higher self, understanding

    Just remember that when a chakra is unbalanced, it just means “pay attention to me”. So take the time for some self-care to stay in balance. For DIY techniques check out this love letter I wrote. Blessings to you!

    Blessings to you!