Heart to Soul Healings: Clairvoyant spiritual healing & coaching

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Signs Your Angels are Near

+How to call them into your life

Hey Love,

Have you ever felt an invisible hand on your shoulder or witnessed a sparkle of light in the air? Angels are all around us and offer signs and sensations to remind you that they are near. They are celestial beings of light and love, here to help humanity. While religions speak of them, they are not tied to any religion. You have many angels watching over you during your lifetime, offering you guidance, protection, and support. While they may not always reveal themselves in physical form, there are numerous signs that can indicate their heavenly presence around us. Here are some common signs that angels may offer to you..

1. Feathers: When feathers appear, an angel is near! Feathers can be a reminder that your angels are with you. You may find feathers unexpectedly or in unusual places that remind you of their presence. Encountering a feather during moments of doubt or confusion can serve as a gentle reminder that you are being watched over and loved by your angelic guides.

2. Angel Numbers: Angel numbers are number that repeat. For example you may see 11:11 on the clock or 333 on a license plate and that is a reminder from the universe and your angels, to pay attention; be mindful. Notice how you feel or let angel numbers be a reminder to speak to them.

3. Synchronicities: Angels love to create meaningful coincidences in our lives. Synchronicities are often a clear sign that the angels are at work. These synchronicities can manifest as seeing angel number, hearing someone speak of something you asked for guidance with, or encountering familiar symbols or signs that hold personal significance.

4. Warmth and Tingling Sensations: The presence of angels can sometimes be felt as a warm, comforting sensation. It may feel as though a gentle loving or peaceful energy surrounds you. Energetic sensations such as tingling or vibrating are also a sign of their presence. This my be felt most easily through your crown charka (learn more about chakras here) or down your spine.

5. Light Orbs and Glowing Lights: Angels may also appear as orbs of light. These may be witnessed or captured in photos. These ethereal, iridescent orbs are pure spiritual energy. the perception of glowing lights, especially during our darkest moments can affirm that angels are present, ready to light the way.

6. Gut Feelings and Intuition: Pay attention to your intuition and gut feelings, Angels communicate with us through our intuition. Their true voices are telepathic. So trust your intuition, messages you receive that come from love, & your gut feelings.

7. Feeling a sudden presence: Angels can make their presence known through a sudden shift in energy. It may be subtle through a gentle breeze, a warm feeling, or a tingling sensation. The shift may also be not so subtle, with the sensation of a very high vibration. This may feel overwhelming at first, which is why you often hear stories of angels announcing, “be not afraid”. Settle into this higher vibration and allow yourself to surrender to what comes next.

8. Unexplained scents: Angels are known for bringing a sense of peace and comfort. Sometimes an unexplained fragrance will appear. This could be the smell of roses when none are present or a familiar loved one’s perfume. An unexplained scent could signal that Spirit or an angel are near.

9. Electrical disturbances: Angels are high vibrating beings. They can manipulate energy and often use electrical devices to get our attention. If your lights flicker or electronic devices act strangely for no apparent reason, it could be a subtle sign from an angel to alert you to their presence.

10. Dream visitations: Have you ever had a dream about an angel? These are often more than dreams, they are visitations. In a dream state, our resistance diminishes. While in a waking state you may have doubts or fears of an angel visitation, in a dream state you are more receptive. Here they can connect with you and offer their love and guidance. These “dreams” may be very vivid, very real, and when you wake up it stays with you. Write down all you can remember, paying attention to the messages and symbols you experienced.

11. Unexpected assistance: Sometimes angel appear to help us in the physical world and sometimes they inspire other humans to help us. If you find yourself receiving unlikely help from others or assistance just at the right time, it could be the work of angels. They often use people as their instruments to guide and offer support when we most need it.

How to call them into your life

Calling in the angels is as easy as saying, “angels please help me”. You can call on the angels any time you need. Their purpose and joy is in helping humans. They love us beyond words and are so eager to help. They stand besides you waiting for you to ask. They can assist you in anything and everything. If you would like to learn more about angels check out this blog post: Meeting My Guardian Angel. What has been your experience with angels around you? Let us know in the comments!

Blessings to you!
