Heart to Soul Healings: Clairvoyant spiritual healing & coaching

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When Life Gets Hard

a message from the angels

Hey Love,

I sat down to write about signs your angels are near, but the angels have a more important message for you, those of you reading this. The quotes in bold are direct statements from the angels, although their inspiration is scattered throughout. Starting with, “You are never alone”. Not one moment in this human experience are you alone. i know in the darkest moments it is hard to believe this, but it is true. You have a spiritual support team with you always. Your guardian angels are with you before birth and after death. Your inner-being is literally a part of you, guiding you. You have other angels, spirit guides, and ancestors who stand beside you. Source flows to you and through you. It beats your heart and loves you deeper than you can comprehend. That unconditional love that we all search for and crave, is free flowing if we align with it.

This may or may not sound believable to you, but I’d like you to think about it for a moment. Has there been any experience in your life that is unexplainable? For me this was a car accident. Driving straight with a green light, a woman decided to turn in front of me. The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was her front passenger door. I closed my eyes, as I jerked the wheel, and braced for impact. But in the end, I only lost a side mirror. The witness, driving behind me, pulled over and in shock himself, kept repeating it was impossible that I avoided the car. It was the first time I felt angels intervened in my life and I didn’t believe in them then. So to begin, I would like you to remember a time where something unexplainable happened to you. Maybe time stood still for you to catch a flight or maybe someone showed up right when you needed them. Think about how this could possibly be tied to someone in your spiritual support team.

Now I want to remind you that you are here for a reason and that “There is no rush”. I promise you, if you were not meant to be here or if you were “done”, you wouldn’t be in this body. If you need some inspiration on this, just listen to some near death experiences. There are no mistakes and no coincidences. “You are protected” and your presence here is more important than i can explain and the totality of your life is more important than you will realize while you are here. You are quite literally adding to the expansion of the universe with your hopes, dreams, desires. Whether you recognize it or not, you impact those around you with your thoughts, words, actions, love.

Sometimes we can limit our own desires and kill our own dreams. We can feel as though we are disconnected from it all. This is part of the human experience. The more you question this all, the darker it can get, but also the brighter it will be. We are here to question and to grow and part of that is experiencing the shadow side of ourselves. It is looking at the traumas, the limited programing from family, friends, society, and our own feelings of lack. While these periods can be the hardest moments of our lives, they are the most powerful for creation and transformation. If you hold hope, it will get better. I know that sounds easier than it is and sometimes that sounds impossible, but it true. “It is as easy as you will let it be”. The distance between where you and are where you want to be is not as far as it may seem. A shift in perspective - energy can be the bridge.

I want you to know that the angels stand in awe of humanity. If and when you experience their presence, you will be left in tears by the love they have for you. They quite literally bow down to us. This is not an egoic perspective, this is what they do time and time again. They know this is not easy. They know we get wrapped up in the drama, the karma, the bs and that we can be overwhelmed by it all. They hold love for you just the same. When I tell you they look at you through the eyes of love, it is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. You can do no wrong. I know as humans we want to judge and compare, but the angels do not do this.

Angels see you as your highest-self, not who you were or who you currently believe you are. They see you as the perfect soul you are. “You are beautiful”. To put this into perspective, when you see a baby learning to walk, you wouldn’t judge them and say how stupid are you? How long is it taking you? Why are you doing it that way? You would be over joyed and cheering them on. So proud of them and what they are accomplishing, even if that is 1/2 a step and then falling. The angels see you this way. Their love and compassion for you is more than you could ever imagine.

The angels want you to know, “We sing for you”. They are your biggest cheerleaders! Imagine beings of love cheering you on, so excited for you noticing their signs to you and heading towards your goals. Their hearts filled with so much love; they can’t help but sing for you. If you truly knew who stands besides you, you would never doubt your abilities and your reason for being. This is your reminder to connect with them and call them in, in good times and in bad. Their purpose is to help humans and they are waiting for you to, “Call on us“. One last reminder for today and always is to, “Trust yourself over all others”. I hope this helps. Sending love and light to you.

Blessings to you,
