Distant Healing Sessions

Are they worth it?

Hey Love,

Have you been hesitant to try distant or virtual healing sessions? You are not alone, I too once didn’t believe remote sessions could be as “powerful” or meaningful from a distance. Let me tell you as a client and as a practitioner why that has all changed!

From a practitioner’s perspective

I’ve always enjoyed setting the scene for a session. Before a client would enter my space, I’d turn on a table warmer, the music, and light the candles. Once a client arrived, they’d be offered a selection of hot herbal teas, choose an essential oil, and begin customizing the in person experience. As far as Reiki or energy work in general, I wanted to touch and hold certain acupressure points and physically feel the energy. The concept of a distant session was not something I was interested in offering for many years.

Then 3,000 miles away, a friend asked for a remote Reiki session. I sat with my resistance knowing that many healers offer distant healing sessions and I decided to give it a try. This session completely changed my mind on distant healing work! Making sure a client is comfortable (lighting, fragrances, noises, etc) can be a distraction during an in person session. Without that worry, I relaxed quicker and deeper to receive intuitive information at a much faster and more in-depth rate. I was able to intuitively know chakra information within seconds, when normally I would physically scan the body 2x’s with my hands (taking about 10 mins). All of the energy I was afraid I might not feel at a distance, I felt physically within my own body. My entire perspective changed about distant energy work from that point forward.

As for hypnosis, I was never worried about a distant or virtual session being “less than” because a client closes their eyes both in person and distantly. The same work is done and many hypnotists have been offering phone and virtual hypnosis sessions for decades.

From a client’s perspective

I’ve experienced virtual hypnosis sessions & trainings from my good friend Greg Beckett. The results are equally as beneficial, whether I am sitting in his office or sitting in my own, over the computer. Closing my eyes and listening to his voice, the outcome is just as effective in person or thousands of miles away! Virtual hypnosis, with 0 travel time, is a great way to get a hypnotherapy session into your busy schedule.

Then we have energy work or spiritual healing sessions virtually from the client’s perspective. I’m a little embarrassed to say, I’ve only recently experienced this from a client’s perspective. My first distant shamanic healing session was with Anna Segura and was more than I could’ve imagined! I knew hypnosis could hold its own in any location, but energy work, I wasn’t sure how that would play out from a client’s POV. As I said before, I love the atmosphere, smells, touch, etc of a physical space to experience these sessions.

To my amazement, I was transported there within my own space. I could hear the music and feel her presence quite literally. I felt her fingers of the base of my neck and the energy within my chakras and my body move. The session was more than just a shamanic healing session because it allowed me to fully experience a client’s perspective. Anna’s session left me inspired and most importantly, it strengthened my knowing in the work I do as being more powerful at a distance than logic had me believe.

Final Thoughts

Recently I have been going ALL IN and surrendering more and more during my own meditations and sessions. In doing this, I let go of the critical mind, the judgment, the doubts, the questioning. We can question and wander off in doubts during our spiritual work or we can decide to go all in. I hold the intention of, “what if”. What if this is True. What if I choose to Trust. What if I stay Connected. What if I let go of resistance and dive in.

While I see people wanting to question and analyze it all, I’m choosing to surrender. We could spend the rest of our lives discrediting all of the “coincidences”, alignments, and manifestations. Questioning has its place and time, but at this point I know when Spirit speaks and when my ego speaks. I know that having faith and surrendering brings magic into my life. The Universe is conspiring in your favor and maybe it is time to stop blocking the magic with over analyzations. See where curiosity, instead of judgment, takes you and how joyful the journey becomes. Maybe this will inspire you to book a virtual healing session with the practitioner who is across the globe from you or play with the concept of what if.

Blessings to you!


heart and signature, Shona clairvoyant hypnotist - spiritual healer - reiki master
woman meditating at desk for a distant session- pinterest cover "Distant healing sessions - worth it?"

Shona is a clairvoyant Reiki master turned hypnotist with a passion for helping you dream bigger + tap into your own healing & clairvoyant abilities. With over 20 yrs of experience in the holistic field, she helps guide you in the right direction & remind you of your power.


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