laptop on desk with flowers and FaceTime call

Worldwide Remote Sessions Include:

  • Binaural beats

  • Light breathwork

  • Energy work

  • Hypnosis (subconscious reprogramming)

  • Channeled messages from Spirit

In person/remote sessions hold the same power, as the eyes are closed. Energy & minds are not limited to time or space. When you close your eyes and surrender, a sacred space will be created. Enjoy your session safely, comfortably, virtually from anywhere in the world.

Your remote session starts with a video consultation to custom tailor your session.


Create your sacred space, an area you feel safe to fully let go & be present, before your session.

  • Headphones are ideal (speakers are ok)

  • Set a comfortable temperature (grab a blanket just incase)

  • Silence your devices (cell, computer, etc)

  • Wear comfortable clothing

  • Allow for this time to focus completely on yourself

  • You may sage your space, safely light a candle, or anything to create your sacred space

  • Anything else that may come up: have some water, a charger, a snack, pen & paper

    During your consultation you will be informed of what to possibly expect, but as everyone is different, experiences vary. Communication is important; if you have any questions feel free to ask at any time.

More about our different modalities

Woman in a sweater holding out a sparkler

Intuitive Hypnosis

Unlock the power of your subconscious mind for changes in perspective, neurology, & your life! The subconscious holds the key to access memories, emotions, & patterns that shape our thoughts, feelings, & govern 90-95% of behaviors. Hypnosis is a relaxed heightened state of awareness.. hypnotists guide your journey of self-discovery, while you are receptive to positive suggestions & affirmations. Gain a renewed sense of self-confidence, empowerment, & inspiration. Hypnosis works for:

  • confidence, self-love, worthiness

  • anger, grief, sadness

  • life changes, weight goals, health goals, addictions

  • feeling stuck, lost, indecisive

  • fears, traumas, phobias

  • stress, sleep, anxieties

  • life purpose, motivation, procrastination

  • goal setting, inspiration

Woman cross legged in yoga clothes, meditating with thumb fingers touching middle finger


Discover meditation benefits and the technique that works for you! Try guided imagery, mantra, breath or heart centered, & more. Quiet your mind and connect to your inner wisdom.

A consistent meditation practice will change your life. Some of the known benefits of meditation include: stress reduction, improved focus, clarity, emotional balance, & enhanced well-being. Scheduling a meditation session with us will allow you to sample a few or dive deeper into your current practice.

white feathers from a wing

Channeled Angel Healing

Connect with your angels in a unique & profound experience! Our angel healing sessions gently guide you to the angel realm to receive their Divine light & love. your Angels & archangels are eager to offer you their wisdom & healing energy. They will bring you into a state of alignment to release limiting beliefs & patterns, fears, burdens, & traumas.

Angel guidance will never impede on your free will, but they will help you connect to your soul to know the answers. Their multidimensional energy will significantly increase your vibration, leaving you in a state of bliss. After working with them the signs from your angels will increase as they want to help you beyond your session.

Angel Reiki

Angel Reiki is a unique blend of traditional Reiki energy work and angelic assistance. It combines the universal life force energy of Reiki with the loving support, angelic light energy, and guidance of the archangels. Working with angels during a Reiki session enhances the healing process, bringing forth deeper levels of restoration and connection.

This high vibration session invites the angels to you and allows for a more grounding experience than my angel healing sessions.

computer, tea, calendar, phone, and notebook spread out on the floor

Coaching Programs

Unleash your potential! Take an exciting journey to ignite your dreams and navigate the path towards personal growth and success.

1:1 life coaching designed with your soul in mind. This program goes deep by incorporating energy healing, hypnosis, and intuitive information. fears & limiting beliefs fade away, as you begin to trust your own inner guidance. commitment + routine = results. Our spiritual life coaching programs combine it all & are customized to your needs. Our coaching programs will leave you feeling connected, empowered, & inspired! Learn More

woman laying down with another woman's hands performing Reiki energy over her

Multidimensional Reiki

Reiki energy work has been transforming lives for centuries by healing on physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual levels. Its noninvasive, holistic approach, balances the body so that life force energy flows in a state of harmony. The practitioner is a channel for reiki energy to flow either through placement of hands or through distant reiki.

Our Next level Reiki, includes imagery chakra balancing, intuitive guidance, plus possible higher being (think angel, ancestors, spirit guides) assistance. Clients often experience a deep sense of relaxation, physical sensations, or their own clairvoyant abilities!

hour glass with sand falling down

Past Life Regression

Ready to explore your other lifetimes? Learn the lessons, gain the wisdom, & end karmic patterns. Past life sessions heal your present lifetime.

Past life regression uses hypnosis techniques taking you deeper, to safely experience another lifetime(s). Often these experiences leave people feeling lighter and informed about patterns in this lifetime. The validation of certain feelings, beliefs, etc can release them from you to move forward in exciting ways!

“The distinction between the past, present, and future, is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” -Einstein