Love Letters: spiritual blog. Image of cellphone over 8 blog post covers


The practice of combining hypnosis with Reiki, aka hypno-Reiki, has been gaining popularity in the spiritual community over recent years. The enchanting combination, of deep relaxation and subconscious reprograming of hypnosis with the energy balancing techniques of Reiki, creates a powerful healing experience!

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Past Lives

Past Lives

Acknowledging and embracing the lessons from our past lives enables us to integrate their wisdom and healing into our current lifetime. When we recognize the patterns, fears, talents, etc from previous lifetimes in our current lifetime, we empower ourselves to live authentically and purposefully.

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How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides
Shona Shona

How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides

You learning to trust your intuition is you trusting YOU. That is powerful and the greatest gift you can give yourself. Spirit has always been guiding you to do this. Your guides often speak to you through subtle feelings, flashes, and gut instincts. Through regular practice and reflection, you will become more attuned to these messages and learn to trust the guidance that comes from within.

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When Life Gets Hard
angels, spiritual healing Shona angels, spiritual healing Shona

When Life Gets Hard

…and part of that is experiencing the shadow side of ourselves. It is looking at the traumas, the limited programing from family, friends, society, and our own feelings of lack. While these periods can be the hardest moments of our lives, they are the most powerful for creation and transformation. If you hold hope, it…

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What is a Spiritual Awakening?
spiritual Shona spiritual Shona

What is a Spiritual Awakening?

Once your awakening begins, your intuition will increase. You will begin to trust yourself and follow the nudges to discover incredible serendipities in your life. The world becomes magical and awe-inspiring. you will find yourself naturally being more mindful and aware of the present moment. Many people effortlessly change their ways of living, eating, and communicating after the initial stages of awakening. This process…

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Chakra Balancing
chakras, spiritual healing Shona chakras, spiritual healing Shona

Chakra Balancing

…If and when you feel your chakras are not in balance, you can align them yourself. There are many, many ways to do this. The important thing to keep in mind is they are offering you a message. Coming into alignment will come naturally with you being true to yourself and knowing yourself, so when you feel “off”, that is the time to pay attention to what you need from yourself.

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5 Easy Ways to be Mindful Every Day
spiritual healing Shona spiritual healing Shona

5 Easy Ways to be Mindful Every Day

Mindfulness is even easier than other forms of meditation because you naturally do it, Everyone can (and does) do it! When you enjoy a sunset or the smile on a loved one’s face, you are being mindful of the moment. When you notice your own breath or your heartbeat, you are being mindful. Even when you savor that bite of your favorite meal, you are practicing mindfulness. I find mindful moments are not only filled with heightened awareness, but often gratitude. This awareness allows everything to slow down and to become more vivid.

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Metta Meditation
Shona Shona

Metta Meditation

On the last few days, we were taught a form of Metta mediation that has not only stuck with me, but is something I feel called to share with so many souls. I highly recommend this technique and often feel guided to include it in my spiritual healing sessions. Today I want to share the technique with you!

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The 12 Laws of the Universe Explained
spiritual Shona spiritual Shona

The 12 Laws of the Universe Explained

The 12 Laws of the Universe Explained

Easy to understand explanation of the 12 universal laws. Most people have heard of the law of attraction by now, but did you know there are 11 other universal laws that govern this universe? Understanding these laws can change your reality.

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8 Things You Need to Know About Reiki

8 Things You Need to Know About Reiki

Have you heard that you are your own healer? Well if not, now you have and Reiki is perfect proof of this. Often we project our healing onto things, experiences, and people outside of ourselves. In reality, you are healing you. Everything and everyone is a reflection. So when you decide to have a Reiki healing session, the Reiki healer is the vessel.

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