How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides

7 ways to connect

Hey love,

I get asked often by clients how to connect with Spirit. The good news is, it’s easier than you may think! Re-learning to trust your intuition and to trust Spirits’ messages takes practice, but with some faith, consistency, and mindfulness your entire world will change!

Connecting with your spiritual support team can be a profound and transformative journey. By establishing a connection with them, you will receive their higher guidance, wisdom, and feel their unconditional love. Let’s explore some techniques and practices that can help you connect with them.

1. Cultivate Awareness
1st and foremost, you have to pay attention! To begin connecting with your spirit guides, it's important to cultivate a state of heightened awareness. Start by practicing mindfulness or meditation. Clearing your mind and creating calm allows you to sense the subtle energies and messages that your spirit guides may be sending you.

2. Set Your Intention
Before connecting with your spirit guides, set a clear and heartfelt intention to do so! Talk to them as you would a physical friend. Tell them how you would like to get to know them and feel their presence in your life. Ask for their guidance, protection, and assistance.

3. Create a Sacred Space
Create a dedicated space for yourself where you can comfortably connect with your spirit guides. This can be a room, the corner of a room, or an alter. Make this space calming and beautiful to you. This should be a space you feel comfortable and at ease. Decorate it with anything that sparks joy within you. You can use incense, plants, pictures, candles, spiritual symbols, etc. Keep this space clean and clear, so when you walk into it, It feels like home. As you use this space to connect with Spirit, the energy will change over time and invite you in with a deep sense of peace. It’ll become a sacred sanctuary for your spiritual practice.

4. Develop a Daily Practice
Consistency is important when connecting with your spirit guides, especially in the beginning when you will probably be questioning things. The more you practice, the more certain you will become. Develop a daily practice that allows you to open yourself up to their presence. Do what speaks to you and experiment with different techniques. You may want to try meditation, journaling, mindfulness, prayer, yoga, or Reiki. Just like a human to human connection, you will need to develop your bond with your guides (not from their perspective, but from your own).

333 on a wall

5. Notice Signs and Symbols
Your spirit guides often communicate through signs and symbols. You know how the Bible is full of parables, symbols, and stories? That’s Spirit for you! Over time you will figure out what certain symbols mean to you as they will be repeated. The most important thing to do when you experience one is to notice how it feels to you. Pay attention to the world around you and be open to receiving messages through synchronicities, dreams, animals, & other people. You may want to keep a journal about these things, as they can provide valuable insight and validation.

6. Trust Your Intuition
In the beginning, you may question this all and think you are making it up. In reality, everything is made of atoms (99.99999% energy). We are all creating this experience, quite literally quantum physics has shown us we are making it all up. We are all having different experiences, you choose the world you want to live in and your truth is YOUR TRUTH, no one else’s. My experience with Spirit is undeniable to me and that came from years of developing and trusting. “Impossible” things and coincidences have occurred in my life and mystical experiences, which turned my questioning into knowing. Your journey is yours alone, unique to you. You learning to trust your intuition is you trusting YOU. That is powerful and the greatest gift you can give yourself. Spirit has always been guiding you to do this. Your guides often speak to you through subtle feelings, flashes, and gut instincts. Through regular practice and reflection, you will become more attuned to these messages and learn to trust the guidance that comes from within.

7. Call Upon Your Guides
Think of your spiritual support team as just that! Your spirit guides, guardian angels, ancestors, etc are all here to help, but you have to ask! Free will comes 1st and foremost, so if you do not call in and ask for their help you are missing out on their wisdom and power! Call in your team every morning when you wake up and thank them in the evening before bed. Call on an angel to watch over you every time you get in a car. Call on them whenever you need some support in life. They are so eager to help and they love you more than you know.

I hope this love letter inspires you to connect with your spirit guides and helps you to build your relationship with them. If you have any questions let me know in the comments.

Blessings to you!



Shona is a clairvoyant Reiki master turned hypnotist with a passion for helping you dream bigger + tap into your own healing & clairvoyant abilities. With over 20 yrs of experience in the holistic field, she helps guide you in the right direction & remind you of your power.

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