Metta Meditation

Bring more love into your life

Hey Love,

Last year, right around this time, I experienced 10 days of silence in the desert. I learned Vipassana meditation up near Joshua Tree, California. It was a life changing and magical experience for me and everyone who attended. Some experiences are truly beyond words, but I will say it is something everyone should experience.

hands holding flowers in the shape of a heart

On the last few days, we were taught a form of Metta mediation that has not only stuck with me, but is something I feel called to share with so many souls. I highly recommend this technique and often feel guided to include it in my spiritual healing sessions. Today I want to share the technique with you!

I am going to break it down into simple steps. Keep in mind that the more you let go and truly feel and connect to the experience, the greater your experience will be. Surrendering and being vulnerable will open your heart even more, so just be open. See what comes and notice what goes. Let go of judgment and just be the love.

  1. Find a comfortable position and then close your eyes.

  2. Take a few deep breaths. Inhaling a relaxing feeling all throughout your body. Exhaling any stored tension both physical and mental.

  3. Feel yourself sinking into this peaceful feeling. Just letting go. If you need to, take more deep breaths until you truly feel yourself in a calm space. The energy around you will shift as you let go of your to do list. Move on to the next step when you feel a sense of peacefulness.

  4. Focus your attention on the energy surrounding your heart. This energy field has been proven to be stronger than other aspects of our physical bodies. Connect with this centered, loving energy.

  5. Feel your heartbeat or connect with your lungs expanding and contracting and notice the energy right near your heart center. Feel or imagine this energy centered here slowly and thoughtfully expanding out into your chest.

  6. Allow this healing, loving energy radiating out into the rest of your physical body. Take your time with each step. Sometimes things move slowly, other times they move quickly. Just go with it and don’t rush the process.

  7. Let this energy begin to move out from your physical body into your energetic body, your aura, feeling it surround you.

  8. Allowing it to get stronger and bigger, visualize the loving energy expanding out into the space you are in. Filling all the corners of the room and then expanding further into the building. If you are doing this outside, adjust my wording.

  9. Now allow the neighborhood to feel this love coming from your heart. Strengthening as it expanding even further into the town.

  10. Feel this connection from your heart move even further into the city and further geographically, until you have allowed it to flow to your entire country.

  11. Sit with this beautiful feeling and like a snowball collecting snow and growing bigger and bigger, intend for this loving energy to cover the entire planet. Breathe into this and feel this.

  12. When this feels done, expand the energy into our solar system and beyond. Allowing it to cover all the universe/multiverses. Feeling this love bathe over every being it touches.

  13. Now allow this energy to keep moving from your heart out with every heartbeat or every exhalation. Just feeling this love you are giving.

  14. On your next inhale, I would like you to receive this love. Allow this love that has expanded as far as possible to collapse right back into the center of your heart. Imagine it going through all of the levels and being drawn right back into you. As it does this, it is amplifying. Allowing you to experience even more love than what you gave.

  15. Now repeat the cycle. Exhaling the love as it expands and then inhaling it to come back to your heart center. When we give, we receive. Just keep repeating the cycle for as long as you feel called too. Open your heart to this. Love and be loved.

    This practice will not only allow you to naturally be more loving to others, it will also open your heart to receiving love from others and yourself. Metta mediation teaches you it is safe to let your guard down and to connect with your heart over your ego. This meditation is one of my most precious spiritual practices and I wish you all so much love! May this beautiful meditation technique open your heart and teach you to love yourself and all souls who are on this journey with us.

    Blessings to you!



Shona is a clairvoyant Reiki master turned hypnotist with a passion for helping you dream bigger + tap into your own healing & clairvoyant abilities. With over 20 yrs of experience in the holistic field, she helps guide you in the right direction & remind you of your power.

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