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Red Flags in the Spiritual Community: What to look out for with Psychics, Channelers, Astrologists

Red Flags in the Spiritual Community: What to look out for with Psychics, Channelers, Astrologists

Predictions with dates/times - This is the easiest way to “catch” someone in their ego! The spirit world does not have time the way we do. That is why spirit does not give exact dates, plus nothing is written in stone. It is all about probabilities. So even when you go to a psychic, that person picks up on what is in your field as the most likely to happen, but sometimes just learning of a potential future that can change the outcome. There is a TikToker with millions of followers who predicted a celebrity’s death on a specific date and it didn’t happen. No one seemed to care, they keep eating up her doomsday predictions. That’s all ego and spreading fear is the way to manifest that. The spirt world may give time frames of what is to come, but if someone gives you an exact date RUN.

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