How to Sage Your Home

+ Connect to its Spirit

Hey Love,

You may be thinking, sage a home, that’s a good idea! Connecting to your home’s Spirit, that’s crazy! But hear me out first on why you should do both. Saging practices have been used for centuries to remove “negative” energy from people, places, and things. There are many different types of sage and other burning materials used for cleansing, each have their purpose. You should use the one you feel called to use, trust your intuition on the one you are guided to.

Let’s start with using sage for your home. To save the cheat sheet at the end, just right click on the photo or screenshot it.

To sage your home

  1. Start by closing your eyes and taking a few calming breaths to set your intention. It helps to feel your feet connected to the Earth (floor) as you breathe in these breaths. Allow your mind to settle and go into that meditative space. You may also say a prayer or a mantra. An example, “I call in my guides, ancestors, and Angles to help me clear this space of any lower level energies. Please allow only light and love of the highest vibration to fill this space”.

  2. Light the tip of the sage long enough for smoke to gently flow. If you have trouble getting your sage to light, you may place it over a candle and then blow out the end of the sage. The smoke is cleansing and should not be overwhelming. We are not trying to set off the smoke alarm!

  3. Mindfully move room by room, allowing the smoke to move into all corners of each room. Open doors for closets and such to include them as well.

  4. In the very last room, open a window or exterior door to move the smoke out, taking any negative energy with it.

  5. Close your prayer with gratitude.

  6. Make sure your sage is fully out before leaving it unattended.

    For possible entities: always include calling in your spirit guides for protection and say out loud, "Only beings of light and love are welcome, all others go to the light, you do not belong here". This may need to be repeated, but remember that you are in command of your space.

    Repeat this as often as you feel called to.

    Now for my favorite part, connecting with your home’s Spirit. If you have seen any of Marie Kondo’s Netflix specials you may already know what I am talking about. Before she begins her work, she greets the home. I learned about this many years ago when I was trying to sell my home. After 3 months of being under contract, I had this nagging feeling the deal was going to fall through and no one was listening to me.

    I went to my Shaman, who told me the buyers were not going to get the loan. Later that day I got the phone call confirming this and my gut feeling about the whole thing! This still left me with having to put my 1/2 packed house back on the market and so my session led me to connecting with my home’s Spirit. It was something I had never considered, but my Shaman met with the house’s Spirit and told me all about it. The home went by the name Bell and she was very proper. She wanted children running through her hallways. Bell wanted the leaves that had piled up along her side walls cleared and she wanted flowers! Her Spirit was housed in the basement, near the boiler.

    After this session I bought Bell some flowers and cleared up the leaves. Then something miraculous happened, she started playing music! Of course I did not think that was possible. One day I heard violins and looked outside my window expecting to see a car parked out front with the radio on, but there was no one. I listened closer and closer and swore it was coming from the basement, but when I went down there it would stop. This happened once more, the second time with a piano and I wondered to myself if it could be Bell.

    The house felt more alive and when it went back on the market, the first person who saw it ended up buying it. But the true conformation for me that the music was in fact Bell was when my father came to help me pack up the house. He asked me where that music was coming from. I smiled at him and said, “You can hear that too?”. He agreed it was coming from the basement, but there was no explanation other than Bell herself, as the basement was empty at that point.

    To connect with your home, you just have to speak from your heart.

    Sit down in the spot that first comes to mind and place your hands or your bare feet here. Breathe in those few deep breaths to let go of all expectations and to allow whatever you need to come to you to flow right to you. Then trust what you are being given. Speak to your home like you would a loved one. Tell it all the things you are grateful for. For example, “I am so grateful that you shelter and protect me. Thank you for keeping me warm and letting the light shine through your windows. I love how my family gathers in your beautiful kitchen. This is my favorite place to be”. You will be amazed at how the energy of your space shifts to support you even more.

    Blessings to you!


dried sage in a bowl pinterest cover

Shona is a clairvoyant Reiki master turned hypnotist with a passion for helping you dream bigger + tap into your own healing & clairvoyant abilities. With over 20 yrs of experience in the holistic field, she helps guide you in the right direction & remind you of your power.

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