Chakra Balancing

+ How to do it instantly

Hey Love,

Have you ever wondered how to balance your chakras? It is easier than you may think and I am here to tell you how.

Chakras are energy centers in the body. Most people refer to the main seven when they speak about these energy centers. There are many more, but for this post, we too will focus on the seven major chakras. These chakras run up from the base of the spine up to the top of the head. Each chakra has its own specific characteristics and can reveal information about you energetically. If you have an understanding already, Let’s get to balancing! If you are new to chakras, please start with my other love letter here.

As a Reiki master, I scan the chakras to offer feedback to a client about what is going on with them energetically. But you do not need to know anything about Reiki to address your own chakras! Sometimes chakras are imbalanced and you may intuitively know this. You may just feel off. If you focus in on the feeling you may “feel it in your gut”, this would be your navel chakra - having to do with your self identity, self-esteem, etc. Maybe you feel “a frog in your throat”, this would be your throat chakra - having to do with communication, speaking your truth, etc. As you can see from these examples, you may already be more in tune with what is going on with your chakras than you realized!

If and when you feel your chakras are not in balance, you can align them yourself. There are many, many ways to do this. The important thing to keep in mind is they are offering you a message. Coming into alignment will come naturally with you being true to yourself and knowing yourself, so when you feel “off”, that is the time to pay attention to what you need from yourself.

Some ways to bring your chakras into balance are: Reiki or any energy work, meditation, Yoga, visualization, crystals, intentions, or aromatherapy. You can even bring them into alignment by acting upon your own intuition. Say for example you have a heaviness in your heart and you have been fighting with a loved one. If you come to peace with the situation (however that may be), your heart chakra will open and begin to flow your life force energy freely. Our bodies speak to us all the time and our chakras come into and out of balance all of the time. Being mindful of this, you can start to be in balance more often than not.

What is the fastest and easiest way to balance your chakras? Ask Archangel Metatron to balance them for you! He is eager to offer his energy in this process and I have been working with him for years doing just this. Call on him and as all angels do, he will be right there to assist you lovingly and instantly. It really is that simple.

If that feels too easy and you want to “work for it”, a visualization meditation is another very popular way to align your chakras. This technique may allow you to understand more and go further with your DIY chakra balancing session.

DIY chakra Balancing Imagery:

Imagine a white light surrounding you and entering the top of your head (crown chakra). Now imagine the light turns a violet color, once it reaches your skin and flows down through the top of your head. It is making its way down to your forehead, the space between and just above your brows (third eye chakra). Here it flows out as an indigo color before making its way down to the center of your throat (throat chakra) where it turns blue. The light then makes its way down to the center of your chest (heart chakra) where it will turn green or pink. From here it travels down the your bellybutton (called navel or solar plexus chakra) where it turns yellow. The light then travels down to the sacral chakra (space in between bellybutton and your root chakra) and it turns orange. Finally the light continues down to the lowest chakra, at the base of the spine. This chakra is at the pelvic floor and connects you to the Earth. Feel yourself being grounded when the light gets here. You can even envision it traveling down into the Earth.

Play with this how you would like. You can have the light flowing like a waterfall or rays of the sun. You will find yourself spending less time with the balanced chakras and more time with the ones you need. Trust this.

Personally, I don’t agree with the term “closed chakra” or “blocked chakra”. I know a lot of healers use these and they are buzz keywords, but energy flows, as do our emotions. As I mentioned before, our chakras are in and out of balance throughout our lives. I have never met someone with a 100% blocked chakra. Even if the chakra has energetic concrete around it, it still has a spark of energy in there. When a chakra isn’t allowing the energy to flow like the rest, I believe it just needs some attention. That attention corresponds to something the person needs more of in their life. More honesty, more confidence, more connection to Source, etc. are needed to keep the chakra in balance. It is a physical manifestation of what your inner being is guiding you to. Your reminder to pay attention and to take care of yourself.

Blessings to you!



Shona is a clairvoyant Reiki master turned hypnotist with a passion for helping you dream bigger + tap into your own healing & clairvoyant abilities. With over 20 yrs of experience in the holistic field, she helps guide you in the right direction & remind you of your power.

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