Heart to Soul Healings: Clairvoyant spiritual healing & coaching

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Past Lives

Your Questions Answered

Hey Love,

This time of year brings dreams of the future and thoughts of the past. Have you considered the thoughts, memories, and energies of the past that you’d like to be free from? Now is the time to set your intentions and step into the fresh energy for this year! So what does all of this have to do with past lives? Your past lives impact your present life. When you heal in this lifetime, that ripples out across time and space to heal your past, present, and future self. Despite how it seems, time is not linear.

The concept of past lives is not a new concept. Throughout history, cultures all over the planet have contemplated and believed in past lives as a reality. Our souls are immortal. Imagine only coming to Earth for one lifetime, while being an eternal being. Reincarnation was even accepted & taught by many teachers of Christianity up until the second council of Constantinople in 553 A.D. We live many lifetimes to gain wisdom, have experiences, evolve, love, and create. This is why some things come so easy, some places feel so familiar the 1st time you visit, and some strangers are not so strange. You have been here before. You have done it all and been it all. You have been every race, sexual orientation, religion, the murdered and the murderer and through it all you learned. You balanced the karma and you gained the wisdom of do unto others. Here you are in this lifetime ready to become more than you have ever been before. We stand on the leading edge of thought, connected to the expansion of the universe, ready for evolution!

How to experience a past life

A past life regression session uses hypnosis to connect you to your subconscious mind to explore your soul’s history. A past life regression session is a powerful experience and should be performed by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or a hypnotist/hypnotherapist. You may also journey on your own to a past life through meditation, a dream, or spontaneously. Using a professional with experience in guiding you through a lifetime allows the experience to be safe and comfortable. You will most likely be taken to the moment of physical death and having a trained professional allows this to be a peaceful space of understanding and enlightenment. Having someone guide you through, puts you at ease to explore and understand the lessons from that life. You may recognize people in your current life, as people from another lifetime; these are souls in your soul group. Past life regression allows you to heal unresolved traumas, release energetic blockages, and gain a deeper understanding of your soul's purpose in this lifetime.

What a past life regression session is like

You have booked your past life session and whether or not it is your 1st time, you may be filled with a sense of excitement or nervousness. This is perfectly normal, as you are about to go on a journey beyond your current reality. Your session will begin with closing your eyes and getting into a state of deep relaxation. As your conscious mind quiets down and you follow along with the guidance offered. You may find yourself drifting along into a mystical haze, entering a portal, or something similar to reach the “other side”. Here you’re connected to another time and space. You will take in the information that surrounds you about this lifetime, including your physical body, your emotions, surroundings, loved ones, etc. Don’t worry if this sounds overwhelming, it will flow in the moment.

While I cannot speak for everyone, for most people, a session will be dreamlike. The experience is gentle and may be more of a knowing. Often times, for the 1st timers, the states of hypnosis feel so familiar (because they are) that you may feel as though you are making it up. This is perfectly normal. As you grow in this work and you start to trust yourself, intuition, and the Universe more, this will change for you. The information will flow to you and may surprise you! Patterns will present themselves and connecting to this “other” will feel different from your current lifetime. Books about past lives make the experience of going into another lifetime sound more dramatic than it may be. You never know how it will unfold for you, so stay open to the magic. Letting go of expectations will have you open to everything that needs to be presented to you for that session. Each session will be a different experience.

Healing Past - Present - Future Lives

Acknowledging and embracing the lessons from our past lives enables us to integrate their wisdom and healing into our current lifetime. When we recognize the patterns, fears, talents, etc from previous lifetimes in our current lifetime, we empower ourselves to live authentically and purposefully. Even hardships from other lives, witnessed in a past life session, offer us wisdom to remember in this life time. Through the understanding of a past life experience, we can heal ourselves & stop the cycle of generational trauma. This heals not only your future self, but your children and beyond. Lessons of love, forgiveness, compassion, or personal power continue to present themselves until we learn and grow from them.

Each soul is on a spiritual journey. Some of us aware and some still asleep, but we all get there. The experience of a past life can be the start of this journey or a step along the way. Curious about your own past life journey? please don’t hesitate to connect or leave any questions you have down below. Happy New Year to you all! I hope this year will be one of magic for you.

Blessings to you!
