Heart to Soul Healings: Clairvoyant spiritual healing & coaching

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Meeting my Guardian Angel

+How to connect with yours

Hey Love,

Did you know angels are with us and connected to us at all times? You have a minimum of three angels with you always. Angels by your side, guiding you, protecting you, and bathing you in Divine love. You can call upon an endless number of them to help you throughout your day.

There is an angel for anything and everything eager to help. Want to open your heart? Call upon Archangel Chamuel. When you are afraid, call upon Archangel Michael for protection. Feeling unbalanced? Call upon Archangel Metatron, who can align your chakras faster than anyone or any technique out there. (Read more about chakras here). If you want to write a song, develop a green thumb, or fix a wall, calling upon an angel is easier than going to the app store. Call upon them for help with anything because they love to help. Even if you do not know their name, call them in!

My first profound experience with my guardian angel happened at 3AM, when so many enlightening things seem to happen. Just hours before, I was laying on the couch seeing the familiar sparkles of light, I had been seeing for years. They had progressively began to appear to me more and more, until it became a daily occurrence. After the third glistening of the day, I held my hands up and said, “God, just show me already. Let’s stop dancing around this and let me see. I don’t want to be afraid”. See at this point in my life, I had seen a few spirits, but the sight of them frightened me and they weren’t even scary. I was afraid being open to them, the “bad” ones might come through. In order to see the angels, I would have to release my fear of seeing the ghosts.

At 3AM my dog rustled around on the bed and woke me up. It was one of those times where I woke up completely awake and a little annoyed, as my dog instantly went back to sleep. I looked around my room and began to feel overwhelming anxiety. The wasn’t like anything I had ever experienced before.

The energy (of my angel) was like a room full of hummingbirds. Thousands of them fluttering their wings at 52 flaps per second, it was overwhelming and took my breath away. The next thing I knew, I could see indigo patterns in the Ether around me. I froze in place and the only thing I could think to do was to close my eyes and wait for it to be over. With my eyes closed, my guardian angel appeared to me in the what my shamanic spirit animals appeared to me. I instantly felt more comfortable. The chaos subsided and I was in familiar territory. Ok so this is my angel, I thought as it appeared to me in 3 way, the way spirits often do when you practice shamanic journeying.

As I started to relax, the angel grew larger and my focus went onto its robe. I was rows and rows of symbols on it. These symbols and shapes began to surround me. The best was to describe what happened next, is my human suit I was unzipped. It was as if my crown chakra opened up wide, my body was unzipped open, then a waterfall of energy/data was being downloaded from the top of my head flowing down to my toes. It was profound and thoughts flooded through my mind so quickly, I couldn’t grab a hold of any of them. Time escaped me, but I believe it lasted 5-10 mins and then I was “zipped” back up and it was complete. I opened my eyes and the room was empty, completely calm, and silent.

The next day I scheduled a Reiki session with a clairvoyant Reiki master. When I told her, “I think I met my guardian angel last night”. She looked at me and said, “You asked for that”. The experience was so different than what I intended when I said my prayer to “just show me” the night before, that I completely forgot I had literally asked for it. She told me, “The angels want to work with you. They can communicate with your vibration easily”.

working with the angels was again presented to me by my shaman a few months later, but it took me years to start working with them professionally and develop my angel therapy healing sessions. During those years, I built a relationship with them and you can too! They truly love us more than words can describe and are so excited to be called upon to help us. I hope this love letter has inspired you to connect with them and build a meaningful relationship. Invite them into your life and speak to them like your best friend. You can also use angel cards to “speak” to them and get inspiration from angel books. One of my favorites is Angels in My Hair, by Lorna Byrne. If you feel called to connect to them through an angel therapy healing session, I would be honored to guide you. After reading this, don’t be surprised if you start seeing signs of them all around, feathers or sparkles of light are common signs.

Blessings to you!