Heart to Soul Healings: Clairvoyant spiritual healing & coaching

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5 Easy Ways to be Mindful Every Day

+ 4 Ways to Set a Routine

Hey Love,

Is your mind full or are you mindful? By now you have probably heard the term mindfulness on more than one occasion. Maybe you have even given it a try. Here is your sign to give it your all, with 5 easy ways to make this practice a part of your daily life!

First things first, what is mindfulness?

“Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.” -mindful.org

Initially you may think this is a trick. How easy does this sound? But once you start becoming aware of your thoughts, you will realize that mindfulness truly is a practice. Our minds are often filled with thoughts and scenarios that play on repeat, over and over. These can include an inner dialogue, intrusive thoughts, anxieties, regrets, memories of the past, and visions of the future. Your mind can transcend time and space. It can have you experiencing Heaven or Hell on Earth. So training it through mindfulness is a wonderful way to bring more peace and joy into your life.

Mindfulness is even easier than other forms of meditation because you naturally do it, Everyone can (and does) do it! When you enjoy a sunset or the smile on a loved one’s face, you are being mindful of the moment. When you notice your own breath or your heartbeat, you are being mindful. Even when you savor that bite of your favorite meal, you are practicing mindfulness. I find mindful moments are not only filled with heightened awareness, but often gratitude. This awareness allows everything to slow down and to become more vivid. You feel more connected to those around you and the Earth in these beautiful moments in time. You may even feel more alive!

Sprinkle in moments of mindfulness all throughout your day. In the beginning, it may be something you forget to do, remember this is a practice. Once you start doing it more often, the increased joy you experience will encourage you to keep it up.

Some ways to set a routine

  1. Set a reminder on your phone

  2. Start/end the day with a few deep meaningful breaths. Thanking your lungs and your body for supporting you as you notice your inhale and your exhale

  3. Stick a post it on the bathroom mirror to practice a couple of minutes while you brush your teeth

  4. Wear something that will remind you every time you look at it

In the beginning, remembering to be mindful may be your biggest challenge. As you go along and progress on your journey, you can add mindfulness into more difficult aspects of your life. When your boss calls or someone who you aren’t excited about, take a moment to set the intention to be mindful and open to the conversation. Try not to get wrapped up in the emotions and stay centered in your observation and through active listening. Mindfulness can transform any aspect of your life, when you keep practicing!

Easy Ways to be Mindful

  1. Pay attention to your breath

  2. Notice all of your senses

  3. Eat slowly, tasting each bite

  4. Walk and pay attention to the little details around you

  5. Scan your body

I hope this helps you a little along your journey!

Blessings to you!
