5 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibration

+ Cheat Sheet

Hey Love,

We are energetic beings. Under a microscope, the atoms of our cells are 99.999% energy. This energy is in constant motion, vibrating. You may already know this intuitively, but different emotions create different vibrations in our bodies. You may have even seen the research including the thermo maps of the human body related to these emotions. (if not, check out the video at the end). Emotions we view as positive tend to feel lighter, uplifting, or higher. The ones we consider negative feel heavy, denser, or lower. Your vibration raises every time you are happy, Joyful, & loving. Here are 5 easy ways to raise your vibration; they are not superior to anything and everything in life that brings you joy!

How to raise your vibration

1. Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude: Take time every day to focus on the present moment. allow yourself to be fully aware of your breath, thoughts, emotions, and your other senses. Being truly present, will release the lower vibrations of stress and anxiety. Similar to the focus of mindfulness, focusing on gratitude increases your vibration by letting go of other thoughts and distractions. Focusing on the blessings in your life will raise your vibration and activate the law of attraction to give you more to be grateful for. An easy way to bring in more gratitude is to journal 5 things every day you are thankful for.

2. Positive Affirmations: Your words are more powerful than you can imagine! The subconscious mind is programmed through repetition of words. Introduce positive affirmations into your daily routine to uplift and reprogram your subconscious mind. Choose statements that resonate with you and reflect the reality you wish to manifest. If the statement causes resistance, soften the words to something that feels right for you. Repeat your affirmations daily, as often as you can. Amplify the power of your intention by visualizing yourself living the life of your goal already completed. When this is done right, it feels good and your vibration rises.

3. Cultivate Positive Relationships:
Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Strengthen your relationships that nurture your growth and encourage you to embrace your authentic self. Visit or call a friend who inspires you. Join an online group of positive people on a topic you love. Attend a workshop or something in a passion of yours where you can meet new people. Positivity (just like negativity) spreads, so it is easy to raise your vibe around your soul tribe!

4. Take Care of Your Body: Everything is energy, the food, drinks, substances you ingest effect your physical body and your vibration. Start using your intuition to see what foods resonate with you. Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and clean water increase your vibration, as opposed to alcohol, greasy or over processed foods. You may also raise your food/drink vibration by blessing/ setting an intention over them.. Getting your body moving also increases your vibration. Walking, dancing, yoga, any exercise at all gets your energy flowing. When you cut out toxins and cleanse your environment, your vibration will naturally rise.

anxious? meditate. stressed? walk. tired? nap. overthinking? write. angry? put on music. sad? exercise

5. Heart-Centered Activities:
Engaging in activities that ignite a sense of joy and purpose within your heart will elevate your vibration. Follow your bliss Pursue hobbies, passions, volunteer work, etc that fill your heart. You could hike in nature, connect with loved ones, offer random acts of kindness, whatever excites you and brings more love into your life. The energy of our hearts has been proven to radiate out further than any other energy of our bodies. Our hearts are POWERFUL & when you connect with yours, your vibration will rise significantly.

There are an endless number of ways to raise your vibration. Literally anything that brings you joy, will raise your vibration. You do not need to sit and meditate for hours, fast for days, or quit your job! While those all may work, raising your vibration is easier than that and comes naturally. There is an endless, abundant stream of well-being here for us to tap into at any moment. Find the joy and it will naturally align with you.

[screenshot or right click to save my Raise Your Vibe cheat sheet, for quick ways to go from lower vibrations to higher vibes. Emotions video below]

Blessings to you!



Shona is a clairvoyant Reiki master turned hypnotist with a passion for helping you dream bigger + tap into your own healing & clairvoyant abilities. With over 20 yrs of experience in the holistic field, she helps guide you in the right direction & remind you of your power.


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