What is a Spiritual Awakening?

+ 7 Signs you are going through one

Hey Love,

You may be wondering, What is a Spiritual Awakening anyway? A spiritual awakening is the realization that life is not what it seems, the unconscious becomes conscious, as though you are awakening from a deep sleep. The day to day external focus on the world and material things, as well as societal conditioning, change completely. You begin to experience a deeper connection to others, yourself, the Earth, and the Divine. A spiritual awakening, changes your perception of reality. The expression, the veil has been lifted is often used. Reality becomes “less real” and you realize, through your connection to all, that you are a part of everything, literally (think the butterfly effect). You may question your sanity, as the mystical experiences roll in.

Once your awakening begins, your intuition will increase. You will begin to trust yourself and follow the nudges to discover incredible serendipities in your life. The world becomes magical and awe-inspiring. you will find yourself naturally being more mindful and aware of the present moment. Many people effortlessly change their ways of living, eating, and communicating after the initial stages of awakening. This process also results in a deep connection with something greater than ourselves. This consciousness does not have a name and humans have beliefs tied to the terms they use, so use whatever feels right for you: God, Source Energy, Higher Self, the Universe, or any thing else. Through connecting to this, you will experience a deep sense of love, compassion, and reverence.

woman in the sun with free flowing scarf and hair

Awakening is a process, with moments of enlightenments. Your spiritual awakening, is consciously realizing you are on a spiritual life journey. You break free from the sleeping state of life and move towards becoming a more purposeful creator. Everyone is on a spiritual journey, some are consciously aware and others are not, that is ok. One is not better or higher than the other, as you evolve on the journey you realize judgment is only a reflection of yourself. The higher you go, the less you will hold onto it.

The awakening is only the beginning. You will ebb and flow through times of increased awareness, healing, wisdom, mystical experiences, and hard times. It is not all sunshine and rainbows, but those highs will be high and the lows will be powerful times of wisdom and transformation. Just when you think you have a grasp on how this all works, the Universe will shake things up for you to level up. Everything you believe “true” will come into question and possibly crumble beneath you yet again. The journey can be confusing, exciting, and all the other emotions you can think of, but it is worth it!

Signs You Are Going Through a Spiritual Awakening

1. Heightened Awareness: One or all of your senses may increase. The grass could look greener. the flowers could smell more fragrant. Your hearing may improve. A significant increase in your level of awareness is one of the most common signs of the spiritual awakening process. You notice synchronicities, meaningful “coincidences”, and signs from the universe that inspire you. The little voice within, your intuition becomes more noticeable.

2. Dissatisfaction with Materialism: The pursuit of material possessions and society’s notion of success no longer excites you. You realize that the money and success won’t bring you happiness, when you pursue them for your ego. You shift your energy towards meaningful experiences and connection, which allows the abundance and success flow in a fulfilling way.

3. Desire for Inner Growth: During a spiritual awakening, you begin to look within more. You become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. In the reflective interwork, you begin a personal development, self-improvement, healing journey. Compassion, gratitude, and love begin to show up in your life and you desire to give and receive them with the world.

4. Connected to Nature: Having the desire to spend more time outdoors is another sign of a spiritual awakening. The need to disconnect from the modern world and ground yourself is a common experience along the journey. Being connected to everything, you will begin to notice your connection to Mother Earth. Animals and insects may be drawn to you. You may find yourself catching rainbows or incredible sunsets more often. You will feel more at ease taking in the beauty of this planet and develop a greater sense of belonging and appreciation.

5. Changes in Relationships: As you evolve spiritually, you may notice shifts in your relationships. In some relationships, connections become more fulfilling, authentic, and harmonious. Other relationships, that are no longer in alignment with you may fade away. You may attract new people into your life who resonate with your spiritual journey,

6. Seeking Higher Knowledge: During a spiritual awakening, there is a strong desire to seek the “truth” and gain wisdom and understanding of spirituality. You will be inspired to read books, listen to audios, watch videos, attend workshops, etc. You will want to have deeper conversations with others about topics like metaphysics, consciousness, and the nature of reality.

7. Deep Sense of Compassion: Compassion and empathy increase within you. You find your judgment of others decrease, as you can recognize yourself in them. You may be touched by more, which opens your heart and brings the love and healing in.

Blessings to you!



Shona is a clairvoyant Reiki master turned hypnotist with a passion for helping you dream bigger + tap into your own healing & clairvoyant abilities. With over 20 yrs of experience in the holistic field, she helps guide you in the right direction & remind you of your power.


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